Monday, November 16, 2009

Riyaaz, developing your voice through song.

Harmonium Practice with Snatam Kaur
This summer I was blessed to study music with Snatam Kaur as well as with an Indian man she has studied some with, Professor Paramjeet Singh.  They both emphasized the importance to paractice a series of vocal exercises daily.  They call these exercises Riyaaz, which translates as "practice."

The Riyaaz is similar to Western vocal training, consisting in singing scales to strengthen the voice and expand the vocal range.  In the Classical Indian music tradition, each note of the scale is designated a sound, Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, and Ni.  In a typical practice you will begin singing the middle Sa (the note of C) for several minutes.  Next the lower octave is practiced, and for the longest period of time.  Taking a few minute break you then progress to a shorter practice of the middle octave.  After another short break the shortest practice time is at the high octave.  This practice time can increase over time as the voice becomes stronger.

I consider the Riyaaz like Hatha Yoga for your voice.  The systematic exercises practiced daily create a voice that is smooth like cream yet strong like steel.  The aura is polished through the vibrations of your own voice and many emotions locked in the body are processed and released through vocalization and deep vibratory expression.

I will be offering lessons in the Riyaaz technique of voice expansion.  Please contact me to join in the experience!

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