Friday, July 5, 2013

Pizzelle Cookies

My husband and I love to go shopping at swap meets and second hand stores.  Wherever we travel, if we see a thrift store will stop and take a look.  At home we often check out Kobey's Swap Meet to wander the rows for treasures.  Last Saturday on a table marked all items $3 I spotted an interesting dessert iron, like a waffle iron, but for a this round cookie shaped like a lace doily.  Unfortunately it was missing a cord, hence the great price.  It would need a very specific cord, so I didn't see the point of purchasing an essentially useless item.  My husband though saw the potential and had cash out in seconds, telling me he had just "put me in business."  Sure enough, within just a few minutes of getting home he had somehow taped together a replacement and the iron was heating up!  I  cleaned her off, she had a name on top, "Pizzelle."  A quick google search and I had a recipe.  The first batch turned out great!

For the second batch I changed up the recipe adding cacao.  I rolled the cookies quickly when still hot.  Later when they cooled I dipped the ends in melted chocolate and served filled with vanilla bean whip cream and some fresh raspberries.  My family was all smiles and love that night!

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