Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Apple Cider Vinegar

I started a new homemade project yesterday, Apple Cider Vinegar.  I have long been a consumer of Bragg's Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, with the "mother" and a book I have been reading this last week, How to Grow a Farmer, has a great chapter on apple cider vinegar.  After a few google searches I learned about all I needed to know, which is that its easy to make, it just takes time.  I had just bought some extra large mason jars from the canning department at City Farms Nursery and an early morning visit to the farmer's market set me up with a big bag of reduced priced slightly damaged organic apples.  Some clean water and a bit of cloth to cover the jar and I had everything I needed.

It's quite simple, you fill a jar or bowl or Oak Barrel if you're lucky enough to have an oak barrel, with the peels and cores of organic apples.  I think I used about 5-6 extra large apples to fill this jar.  You let these apple trailings sit out for awhile till they get browned, I left mine out about 24 hours.  Then you cover them with water and begin to wait.  Should take 6-8 weeks, so stay tuned...

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