Friday, May 17, 2013

Flor de Calabaza

Squash have been a recent trender at the farmers market, especially when you go early like I do and can get them home and into the fridge while they are still vibrant.  First I found a conventional farmer, which I usaually avoid, but for this specialty item I broke down and have purchased a few times now these beautiful squash blossoms with the baby squash still attached.  I have stuffed them and baked them, once layered between scalloped potatoes and stuffed with crab!  I have sautéed them like a stir-fry with other vegetables, I have stuffed them with cheese and battered and fried them chile relleno style, and made them traditional mexican style in a soup: sopa de flor de calabaza.

This last week one of the certified organic vendors had these squash blossoms without the baby squash.  I stuffed them with a little grass-fed cheese and then beat together one of my home-raised chicken eggs with a little buttermilk and drizzled that on top and baked the stuffed flowers.  The buttermilk and egg mixture turned into the most delicious, pale-hellos, creamy, souffle-like substance.  Delicate and Dreamy!  I served them up with toasty flour tortillas, white rice and green salad.

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