Saturday, May 25, 2013

For Sale!

I have been so busy in my kitchen since my return from Esalen.  I just can't stop making cheese, I've made three batches of goat cheese so far and one of feta.  Soon I'll try camembert!  Bread making has also been an almost daily occurrence, though I'm not having very much luck with my sourdough rising and have been more successful with a little sourdough starter for taste but a packet of dry active yeast to make sure my bread isn't a brick.  So if you live in San Diego, and especially if you live in La Jolla, I've got some goodness to share at a price that will help me purchase more gallons of organic milk and 5 pound bags of organic flour.  If you are interested in trying some of my delicacies send me a message at, I'm sure you won't be disappointed!  Some of these items are available immediately, but most will be made to order so expect 2-6 days wait.

Goat Cheese, plain $12, herb $14 and honey $18.  This is for a crottin shaped round of cheese weighing about 6 ounces.

Feta Cheese cubed and submerged in olive oil and herbs.  Small jar, about 5 ounces for $10.

Kombucha, ginger lemon, cactus fruit, and other flavor available by request.  $5 for a 10 ounce bottle or 5 bottles for $20.

Fresh Pasta $10 for two servings or $18 for four servings.

Goat cheese ravioli, $20 for two servings and $35 for four servings.

Bread $6 loaf for plain and $8 loaf for flavored. Lots of success with a wheat and white blend with kalamata olives and my feta cheese in the bread!

Other options, I can cook for you in my home or with a party...give you a lesson...

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