I can feel it, I'm getting older, things are changing. It's a good thing, like the aging of a good California red wine. I am feeling different about myself and where I have found myself in life. I am coming out of a decade of play mixed with work and study and I'm feeling proud of where I've brought myself. For a few years I thought I might just be playing at life, and that was somehow not legitimate adulthood. But I'm beginning to understand that my playing at life is my greatest skill and it creates a healthy, strong and balanced therapist able to truly help others. But still I feel the daily struggle of money and recognition pulling on me. I love my new shop, but it has taken so many attempts to get to my Nest that the growth of my business has been slow, and I feel every day the need to grow things, to make things around me better and better. This leads me to my new marketing plan. I have a great location, tens of thousands of people drive by my shop every day, but not so many stop. Lots of potential, but in my first 3 years, not so many new customers. So I started putting a sandwich board sign out, decorating it myself with different chalk designs. It wasn't helping much, maybe an occasional summer rental customer, but not a big surge of new clients. Then I came up with a great slogan a month ago, and I've probably gotten ten new clients. People love the sign! It's funny, relieving some of the anxiety of a stranger giving you a massage. But the humor is backed up by self-conviction. I believe my massage is an out-of-this-world experience. I believe my shop is a cozy sanctuary safe from life's stresses. I believe I can help others to feel more connected to their bodies, their minds and even their dreams. It has been a lifetime of deep study into my own body, mind and dreams that has prepared me for this particular moment, 2012, La Jolla, 34 years of age. I'm saying "YES!" to this crazy skill set God has given me, and I'm asking the Universe for all that I need, and she is responding with a "YES!"
Schedule a massage right now!

This new marketing plan is deeply influenced by my special play time, surfing. I grew up getting tossed around the ocean with my brothers. Adulthood and the love of my life (who I met 12 years ago while sitting on a bench looking at my favorite surf spot) elevated surfing to a new level of performance, challenge and opportunity in my life. For many years I have been laying down the foundations, learning the mystical movements of the Ocean in her different hours and seasons, assessing the crowds, perfecting my equipment, placing myself in dangerous situations I have survived. And now I find myself entering the Ocean like a Queen, self assured and ready to dominate! At my favorite surf spot, the waves come in as A-frame peaks, allowing for two surfers on each wave, one going right and one going left. Sometimes there are as many as 60-80 surfers (almost exclusively of the male type) paddling around the peak, hoping to be graced by God with the perfect position to catch those beautiful waves. If you don't believe 100% that the wave is coming directly to you and that you are chosen by God to surf that wave into the beach, you won't catch it, the guy next to you will. As I paddle to the peak chanting in my mind mantras to the Goddess, I am thinking "YES!" and the Universe is responding "YES!"

And here's another fun photo of me catching a big one on my friend's website
A Day with BA
1 comment:
You are Magnificent, Robin, LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!
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