Friday, February 22, 2013

Vegetable Fried Rice and Golden Potatoes

This is my go to dinner when I have a bunch of leftover rice in the fridge.  It's so simple, and you can use whatever sort of veggies you have on hand.  This time I used purple onion, green onion, cabbage, swiss chard and cilantro.  But first I started my potatoes as they would take longer.  I cubed 3 or 4 golden potatoes and cooked them in several tablespoons of hot olive oil.  After a few minutes I added 2 cloves of crushed garlic.  I cooked this on medium heat for about ten minutes, stirring occasionally so they wouldn't get stuck to the pan.  Once they started getting golden, I transferred the potatoes to a smaller pan and continued to cook over low heat.  Next I sautéed to onion in some oil, and after a few minutes added the rest of my chopped veggies.  I sprinkled some soy sauce in the pot and mixed it in with the veggies.  Once the veggies were getting soft I added one beaten egg to the pot and mixed it up once it was cooked, breaking the egg up a bit.  Lastly I added the leftover rice and stirred it all together until hot.  I have left all quantities out on purpose, this is a go with how it feels recipe!

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