Tonight I lead an event/class at my shop called Satsang. We begin with silent meditation for about 20 minutes. Next we sing
the Daily Chants which takes about 15 minutes. If we are in the mood for song, we might sing some more chants at this time. Next is the study or philosophy part of our gathering where we will either read form a book by Swami Sivananda such as Bliss Divine or Swami Vishnu Devananda or maybe from the Bhagava Gita. If we are blessed with a wise soul, we might be given a lecture by a swami, doctor or scholar or on a special day enjoy a performance by a dancer or a musician. At the conclusion we sing a variety of chants and prayers (
arati)and then share in the prasad. At the first of the recent Satsang gatherings I read from Swami Sivananda's Book, Bliss Divine, the chapter on Satsanga, and here are some of my favorite quotes.
Swami Sivananda 1187-1963 |
Swami Vishnudevananda |
"If the dust is in the company of the wind, it soars high in the sky. If it is in the company of muddy water, it becomes a dirty mire. If the air is in the company of jasmine, it wafts a sweet aroma. If it is in the company of offal, it disseminates a foul odour. Put the parrot in the company of wicked men. It will start abusing. Put it in the company of Sadhus. It will repeat, "Ram, Renga, Renga." Even so, if one is in the company of a sage, he attains knowledge and soars high in the realm of eternal bliss."
"In the East, students are always advised to seek the company of holy men and listen to their conversation, thus fanning into flame a little spark of love and earnestness. Only a strong soul can keep itself glowing in isolation, and the beginner will do well to take the opportunity that comes in his way to strengthen his own aspirations by communion with others who share them."
Lakshmi, Ganesha and Saraswati |
"If you cannot get the Satsanga of living Mahatmas, you can take recourse to the study of books written by great souls. When you study them you are in holy communion with the authors. If you study Vivekachudamani, you are really having the Satsanga of Sankaracharya for the time being. If you read Yogavasishtha, you are really having Satsanga with the sage Vasishtha. In the evening, four or five people can assemble together in a temple or a quiet room and can study for one or two hours either the Gita or the Upanishads or the Ramayana or the Yogavasishtha or the Bhagavata. Slowly your mind will be purified. You will get the real taste for the spiritual path."
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