Thursday, November 29, 2012

Herbal Detox Tea

At The Robin's Nest, the sweetest little tea shop in the west, we carry Herbal Detox Tea, a nutritious tonic for your liver and digestive system.  The ingredients are all roots and the tea has an earthy flavor and light color.  Read about the health benefits of each of the 5 ingredients.
Dandelion root contains many anti-oxidant vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. It is beneficial for the liver and the gastrointestinal tract.  It is a mild diuretic and stimulates the appetite.  Dandelion Root tea is also excellent for balancing blood sugar.

Eleuthero  is an adaptogen, a compound that helps the body copy with stress.  It boosts concentration as well as immunity and has been shown to increase the body's ability to burn fat during exercise. 

Burdock Root is an ancient blood purifier, and in purifying the blood it clears the complexion.  It can stimulate bile production and regenerate cells of the liver and reduce excessive levels or uric acid in the blood, wonderful antidotes to a rich diet.

Milk Thistle is know to protect and regenerate the liver, and it aids the liver in purifying the blood.  It also has a to fitting a calming effect on the gastrointestinal tract and stimulates digestion by helping to increase the production and secretion of bile and hydrochloric acid. 

Yellow Dock can help support the healthy function of your liver, kidneys, gallbladder, bladder and intestines by enhancing your body's efforts to purge itself of toxins that can overburden those organs. Yellow dock extracts toxins from your body's tissues and acts as both a laxative to stimulate bowel movements and a diuretic to increase urine flow--both of which help remove waste from your body. Yellow dock helps your body produce more bile to break down the fatty foods you eat and improves the flow of bile and other digestive juices. It also helps reduce the amount of irritation and inflammation in your bowels.   Yellow Dock also contains iron, vitamin C, phosphorus and calcium. 

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